We frequently discuss experiencing intense worry and distress due to situations beyond our control. Such situations may include interactions with co-workers who don’t actively listen when we speak and family members who ignore our boundaries.
In many cases, we find ourselves facing unpleasant circumstances over which we have little to no control, especially within the realm of relationships. So, how do we cope with the resulting anxiety?
First, you may observe a paradox at play: we often attempt to exert control over situations to alleviate anxiety or stress. However, paradoxically, clinging to control, particularly when we try to control things beyond our power, tends to increase our feelings of anxiety and stress. To make matters more complicated, the situations we most desperately wish to control are typically the ones we can’t influence at all!
Now, here’s the encouraging news: firstly, you’re not alone in experiencing this, and secondly, there are steps you can take to address it. I’d like to offer you three quick tips for relinquishing control.
Foster Awareness
Why do you feel it’s necessary to control?
Shift from Control to Boundaries
Strike a balance between dependency and interdependency in relations with external situations and people.
Embrace Letting Go
Interestingly, by letting go of control, you might find yourself feeling more in control— even though it might seem counterintuitive at first.
In conclusion, it’s important to recognize that our efforts to exert control can occasionally intensify our stress and anxiety, resulting in something totally ineffective. To effectively manage this stress, consider the liberating potential of letting go.