Being independent means that you are capable of feeling, thinking, and working on your own. Are you independent or looking to others for advice, reassurance, and direction? In the work …
Interpersonal Development
Fluid Networking: Reshaping the 70-20-10 L&D Model
Many organizations currently rely on the 70-20-10 model to implement their Learning and Development programs. This model is traditionally based on:-70% on-the-job learning with activities ranging from …
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The Purposeful Listener
I once read the famous quote from the Greek philosopher Epictetus, 'We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.' This quote remains highly relevant in today's …
Strengthening the Flexibility Muscle
Flexibility has long been regarded as a cultural embedded skill or quality. We tend to view more relaxed cultures and individuals as more flexible, while thorough societies and its members tend to be …
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Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast: How EQ Tools can Support Strategies
Normally, after long and heated planning meetings, new strategies are conceived and rolled out. Most of these strategies are set with “fact and figures” in mind. We hear the following initiatives …
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When Cultural Programming Limits our Potential
Our cultural learning processes developed in our childhood years are based on imitative, instructed, and collaborative learning practices. These different modes of learning are socially attained …
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